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Vision Solo Viola

Vision Solo viola strings create a clear, full-bodied sound with a delicate balance between warmth and brilliance. With their wide range of sound colors and deep, intense sound character, they support the most demanding playing techniques.


VIS200 SET, Medium Tension, 4/4 Scale

In Stock

Synthetic Core, Tension 25.3kg/55.78lb


VIS21 Single A-String, Medium Tension, 4/4 Scale

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Carbon Steel, Chrome, Tension 8.1kg/17.86lb


VIS22 Single D-String, Medium Tension, 4/4 Scale

In Stock

Synthetic Core, Chrome, Tension 5.9kg/13.01lb


VIS22A Single D-String, Medium Tension, 4/4 Scale

In Stock

Synthetic Core, Silver, Tension 6.3kg/13.89lb


VIS23 Single G-String, Medium Tension, 4/4 Scale

In Stock

Synthetic Core, Silver, Tension 5.7kg/12.57lb


VIS24 Single C-String, Medium Tension, 4/4 Scale

In Stock

Synthetic Core, Silver, Tension 5.6kg/12.35lb


Set details

The Vision Solo set VIS200 is mainly recognized for its deep and intense sound quality and its delicate balance between brilliance and warmth. These strings bring out a wide range of sound colors and support the player with diverse musical expressions. The set also offers a clear sound and a low level of bow noise, resulting in smooth bow changes especially needed in settings like challenging studio recordings or amplified live performances, especially when using a sensitive piezo pick-up. VIS200 has a good bow response, a comfortable left-hand feeling and an easy playability. These strings are a great match for various playing styles and are suitable for soloists, chamber and orchestra musicians alike. Their longevity and tuning stability make them a reliable tool for performances under varying conditions.

Single string details

Single A-String
Single G-String
Single D-String
Single C-String

Mix and match

Vision Solo strings combine very well with Peter Infeld and Dominant strings.

A combination of PI21, PI22A, VIS23 and VIS24 leads to a very balanced set with a round and full sound with a lot of warmth.

NO. 138 and NO. 139 | SILVER
A combination of VIS21 and VIS22 with Dominant 138 and 139 results in a sparkling sound with a brilliant contour and fine metallic component.

Technical details

Vision Solo Viola 4/4
NO. Tension Core material Outer material TAILPIECE END KG LB PEG END
VIS21 a1 la1 I medium Carbon Steel Chrome
Aluminum Removable ball end
8.1 17.86
VIS22 d1 re1 II medium Synthetic Core Chrome
Aluminum Ball End
5.9 13.01
VIS22A d1 re1 II medium Synthetic Core Silver
Aluminum Ball End
6.3 13.89
VIS23 g sol III medium Synthetic Core Silver
Aluminum Ball End
5.7 12.57
VIS24 c do IV medium Synthetic Core Silver
Aluminum Ball End
5.6 12.35
SET NR. Included in set Tension KG LB
VIS200 VIS21, VIS22, VIS23, VIS24 medium 25.3 55.78


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