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Peter Infeld Viola

How our PETER INFELD® viola strings help you sound your best Our PETER INFELD® strings for viola help you shine in many different ways. The strings are very reliable – and they help you sound great with little effort. They offer a substantial amount of sound colors around a balanced and centered tonal core. This makes their sound remarkably powerful, but not overly loud. We developed them with a chrome-combo winding to produce a specific bow noise, which makes your sound shine all the way to the farthest corner of the room.


PI200 SET, Medium Tension, 4/4 Scale

In Stock

Synthetic Core, Tension 25.6kg/56.44lb


PI21 Single A-String, Medium Tension, 4/4 Scale

In Stock

Carbon Steel, Chrome, Tension 8.1kg/17.86lb


PI22A Single D-String, Medium Tension, 4/4 Scale

In Stock

Synthetic Core, Chrome, Tension 6.3kg/13.89lb


PI23 Single G-String, Medium Tension, 4/4 Scale

In Stock

Synthetic Core, Silver, Tension 5.6kg/12.35lb


PI24 Single C-String, Medium Tension, 4/4 Scale

In Stock

Synthetic Core, Silver, Tension 5.6kg/12.35lb


Set details

The Peter Infeld set PI200 is designed for professional musicians expecting the highest level of quality for their performance. These four strings have a fine balance between brilliance and warmth. They offer a delicate brilliant contour in the lower registers and warm character in the upper strings. Their full-bodied sound and great modulation capacity allow musicians to express a wide range of sound colors. The strings’ slight metallic component and pronounced overtone spectrum support a great projection in big halls. They offer a direct sound with a fast bow response. To reach the incomparable sound potential these strings offer, a high level of precision in the left and right hand is needed. These refined sound characteristics make PI200 a perfect choice for soloists, chamber musicians and orchestra players. The set has a long life-span, and due to its well-balanced tension, works well with old and newly built instruments.

Single string details

Single A-String
Single G-String
Single D-String
Single C-String

Mix and match

Peter Infeld viola strings can be combined very well with Rondo strings.

Combining PI21, PI22A, RO23 and RO24 enhances the strings’ full-bodied character and warmth.

Technical details

Peter Infeld Viola 4/4
NO. Tension Core material Outer material TAILPIECE END KG LB PEG END
PI21 a1 la1 I medium Carbon Steel Chrome
Aluminum Removable ball end
8.1 17.86
PI22A d1 re1 II medium Synthetic Core Chrome
Aluminum Ball End
6.3 13.89
PI23 g sol III medium Synthetic Core Silver
Aluminum Ball End
5.6 12.35
PI24 c do IV medium Synthetic Core Silver
Aluminum Ball End
5.6 12.35
SET NR. Included in set Tension KG LB
PI200 PI21, PI22A, PI23, PI24 medium 25.6 56.44


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