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Special Offer

Belcanto Orchestra Double Bass

Belcanto Bass strings are the first choice for professional orchestra players, soloists and jazz musicians due to their distinct warm, rich and clear sound as well as their great projection. Their easy bow response and natural pizzicato sound make them suitable for a wide range of different playing styles and levels.


BC600 SET, 3/4 Scale, Medium Tension

In Stock

Rope Core, Tension 115.2kg/253.97lb


BC61 Single G-String, 3/4 Scale, Medium Tension

In Stock

Rope Core, Tension 28.3kg/62.39lb


BC62 Single D-String, 3/4 Scale, Medium Tension

In Stock

Rope Core, Tension 28.8kg/63.49lb


BC63 Single A-String, 3/4 Scale, Medium Tension

In Stock

Rope Core, Tension 29.3kg/64.59lb


BC64 Single E-String, 3/4 Scale, Medium Tension

In Stock

Rope Core, Tension 28.8kg/63.49lb


BC64C Single C-String, 3/4 Scale, Medium Tension

In Stock

Rope Core, Tension 32kg/70.55lb


BC65 Single H-String, 3/4 Scale, Medium Tension

In Stock

Rope Core, Tension 29.5kg/65.04lb


Set details

Single string details

Single E-String
Single A-String
Single G-String
Single D-String
Single C-String
Single H-String

Mix and match

Technical details

Belcanto Orchestra Double Bass 3/4
NO. Tension Core material Outer material TAILPIECE END KG LB PEG END
BC61 g sol IV medium Rope Core Rope Core
Aluminum Crimp ball end
28.3 62.39
BC62 d1 re III medium Rope Core Rope Core
Aluminum Crimp ball end
28.8 63.49
BC63 a1 la II medium Rope Core Rope Core
Aluminum Crimp ball end
29.3 64.59
BC64 e2 mi I medium Rope Core Rope Core
Aluminum Crimp ball end
28.8 63.49
BC64C medium Rope Core Rope Core
Aluminum Crimp ball end
32 70.55
BC65 medium Rope Core Rope Core
Aluminum Crimp ball end
29.5 65.04
SET NR. Included in set Tension KG LB
BC600 BC61, BC62, BC63, BC64 medium 115.2 253.97


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