Happy International Women’s Day! Get 20% DISCOUNT on all Thomastik-Infeld strings. Code: „WOMENSDAY25“

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At Thomastik-Infeld you have the option to pay either via credit card (American Express, VISA, Mastercard), debit card (Maestro) or PayPal.

In accordance with our General Conditions of Sale and Delivery, you may withdraw from the purchase subject to the currently valid conditions!

If you are not satisfied with the purchased product, we recommend that you talk to our product experts. You can contact us at [email protected].

If your desired product is not in stock, we will gladly propose an alternative product or personally inform you regarding the current delivery time. You can contact us at [email protected] .

We are happy to advise you at [email protected]. We kindly request that you return products that are the subject of a complaint to Thomastik-Infeld GmbH, 1050 Vienna Diehlgasse 27 at the sender’s expense. In case of a justified complaint, you will be credited for such expenses with your next purchase in our webshop.

In case of questions regarding your current order, please contact [email protected]!

All products in our webshop were manufactured in Vienna in accordance with the high quality standards of Thomastik-Infeld.

We will be happy to receive your feedback at [email protected]!

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Welcome to the Thomastik-Infeld string universe. We are happy that you let us be part of your musical journey.

Your benefits at a glance:

  • Austrian quality: You will get all the advice and information directly from the string manucture in Vienna
  • Open 24/7: Direct access to all offers on all your devices
  • Very personal: Your data and settings will remain protected and unchanged
  • Always up-to-date:Receive notifications about new products and offers
  • Save time: Save favorite products and payment methods for later

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