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Alles Gute zum Weltfrauentag! Erhalten Sie 20% RABATT auf alle Thomastik-Infeld-Saiten. Code: „WOMENSDAY25“
the company is wholly a subsidiary of THOMASTIK-INFELD GmbH (Vienna)
Žerjavinec (City of Zagreb), Omladinska 21
10 360 Sesvete,
OIB: 79627260015
VAT ID number: HR79627260015
Director: Alen Palislamović
Share capital: HRK 60,000.00, paid in full
Bank account: IBAN HR16 2340 0091 1108 7624 2
Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Radnička cesta 50, 10000 Zagreb, SWIFT (BIC): PBZGHR2X
The company THOMASTIK – INFELD d.o.o. was entered in the court register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb under the number MBS: 081107750, based on the decision business number Tt-17 / 27021-2
auf dem Markt
in der Saitenentwicklung
Thomastik-Infeld Saiten
in Wien
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